
Weightless Formula supports:

  • Natural, stimulant-free weight loss
  • Cleansing for better nutrient absorption
  • Water weight control
  • Balancing blood sugar to reduce hunger
  • Gut cleaning and balancing for sustained weight loss
  • Reduced inflammation and improved digestion
  • Enhanced metabolism and energy levels
  • Pro Tip: Pair Weightless Formula with Gut Detox for amplified weight management and digestive benefits.


Losing Weight Naturally with NO STIMULANTS!

WEIGHTLESS™ weight management formula uses a non-stimulating approach to weight loss by promoting deep cleansing, water weight control, and balanced blood sugar to reduce hunger. Our formula includes powerful natural ingredients such as:

  1. Triphala – A blend of three fruits that supports deep digestive cleansing and nutrient absorption, making it easier to feel full with less food.
  2. Mormodica Chirantia (Bitter Melon) – Aids in balancing blood sugar, helping to curb overeating and reduce fat storage.
  3. Shilajit – Known as the “Destroyer of Weakness,” Shilajit boosts energy, balances blood sugar, and promotes overall vitality.
  4. Amylase – An essential digestive enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, supporting healthy digestion and weight management.
  5. Berberis Aristata – Naturally rich in berberine, which helps control blood sugar and supports fat loss.
  6. Cardamom – Reduces water retention, supports digestion, and lowers blood pressure.
  7. Protease – Breaks down proteins, preventing weight gain from poor digestion and reducing toxic waste buildup.
  8. Guggul – Helps activate thyroid function and metabolism, supporting weight loss.
  9. Boerhaavia Diffusa – A mild diuretic that supports healthy digestion and water weight control.
  10. Tribulus Terrestris – A traditional herb used as a mild diuretic.
  11. Turmeric – Naturally reduces inflammation and supports fat loss through metabolic regulation.


For general maintenance, adults should take 3 capsules daily with purified water before, during, or after meals.

For accelerated weight loss:

  • Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified water daily.
  • Chew your food well to improve digestion.
  • Move your body daily through exercise.
  • Get quality sleep to enhance overall health and weight loss.


  • Triphala – A powerful digestive cleanser that supports nutrient absorption and weight management.
  • Mormodica Chirantia – Balances blood sugar levels to curb hunger.
  • Shilajit – Enhances energy and reduces fatigue.
  • Amylase – Breaks down carbohydrates for better digestion.
  • Berberis Aristata – Helps regulate blood sugar and reduces fat storage.
  • Cardamom – Reduces water retention and improves digestion.
  • Protease – Breaks down proteins to aid digestion and prevent weight gain.
  • Guggul – Activates thyroid function and supports metabolism.
  • Boerhaavia Diffusa – Promotes healthy digestion and acts as a diuretic.
  • Tribulus Terrestris – A mild diuretic that supports water balance.
  • Turmeric – Reduces inflammation and helps regulate fat storage.

The Science



Losing Weight Naturally with NO STIMULANTS

WEIGHTLESS™  weight management Formula Ingredients, as below, based upon a non-stimulating approach to weight loss including cleansing for better nutrient absorption, water weight control and the balancing of blood sugars to reduce hunger:


Triphala or “three fruits” is a combination of the myrobalan family of fruits commonly eaten in Asia.   Triphala is a traditional remedy for deep digestive cleansing and balancing and one of the most important traditional herbal formulas for efficient digestive functioning. 

Triphala helps to deep cleanse on the micro-level including the villi hairs of the intestines.  Clean intestines are necessary for proper nutrient assimilation and consequent good healthy weight management.  Also, a clean digestive system allows for better digestion of foods and absorption of foods and, therefore, healthier satisfaction with less bulky or nutrient deficient meal portions.


  • Scientific validation of the ethnomedicinal properties of the Ayurvedic drug Triphala: A review.  Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine  December 2012, Volume 18, Issue 12, pp 946–954.
  • Pratya PhetkateTanawan KummalueYaowalak U-pratya, and Somboon Kietinun.  Significant Increase in Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Natural Killer Cells by Triphala: A Clinical Phase I Study.  Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12121, Thailand.


Mormodica chirantia or Bitter Melon is a traditional food used in the balancing of blood sugar and has been used historically for pre-diabetic conditions or advanced blood sugar imbalance conditions.   

Studies have shown that Bitter Melon may help reduce fat and by balancing blood sugar levels, stabilizing insulin and helping to prevent over-eating.  Bitter melon contains enzymes that break down fat into free fatty acids.  


  • Pratibha V NerurkarEmail author, Yun-Kung Lee and Vivek R Nerurkar.  J Lipids  Momordica charantia (bitter melon) inhibits primary human adipocyte differentiation by modulating adipogenic genes.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)2010  
  • Baby Joseph and D JiniAsian Pac J Trop Dis. Antidiabetic effects of Momordica charantia (bitter melon) and its medicinal potency.  2013 Apr; 3(2): 93–102.


Shilajit is known historically as the “Destroyer of Weakness” the herbal ingredient, Shilajit, contains over sixty trace minerals and is used for anti-fatigue purposes in traditional medicine.  Shilajit has naturally occurring Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid to help support general strength and vital health.

Shilajit is often used traditionally for blood sugar balancing which may help to prevent hunger issues.     

In traditional medicine Shilajit is considered a panacea herbal remedy since it has so many positive benefits for supporting good health, strengthening and general vitality.



Amylase is an important digestive enzyme that helps to breakdown carbohydrates in the digestive system.  Good digestion is a fundamental key to healthy weight management.  


Berberis aristata herb contains naturally occurring berberine which has been linked to the control of blood sugar balancing and anti-diabetic actions

In two studies to measure weight it was noted that obese people (one with metabolic syndrome, the other being ‘otherwise healthy’) who consumed berberine had weight loss of roughly 6-13% over just 3 months. Diet was not recorded during this time, but berberine seems to have anti-obese effects.




Cardamom is a traditional spice used historically for good digestion, water retention conditions and, thereby, lowering of blood pressure.  Good digestion and elimination of excess water retention is important for heathy weight management.


  • Yuang YB, Fang JY, Hung CH, et al. Cyclic monoterpene extract from cardamom oil as a skin permeation enhancer for indomethacin: Jafri MA, Farah, Javed K, et al. Evaluation of the gastric antiulcerogenic effect of large cardamom (fruits of Biol Pharm Bull. 1999 Jun;22(6):642-6.
  • Jamal A, Javed K, Aslam M, et al. Gastroprotective effect of cardamom, Indian J Exp Biol. 1999 Mar;37(3):238-42.
  • Kumar S. Panmasala chewing induces deterioration in oral health and its implications in carcinogenesis. Toxicol Mech Methods 2008;18(9):665-677. 
  • Martins AP, Salgueiro L, Goncalves MJ, et al. Essential oil composition and antimicrobial activity of three Zingiberaceae from S.Tome e Principe. Planta Med 2001;67(6):580-584.
  • Sapra B, Gupta S, Tiwary AK. Role of volatile oil pretreatment and skin cholesterol on permeation of ion-paired diclofenac sodium. Indian J Exp Biol 2000;38(9):895-900. 


Protease is a natural enzyme as found in the digestive system that is used by the body to break down protein containing foods.   Lack of protease enzymes can lead to poor digestion, weight gain and accumulation of excessive waste for elimination as a body burden.



Guggul OR Commiphora mukul is a traditional herbal remedy for the maintenance of healthy weight management, activation of thyroid functions and a balance of metabolism.   


  1. Anurekha, J., & Gupta, V. B. (2006). Chemistry and pharmacological profile of guggul: A review. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 5(4), 478-483.
  2. Singh, B. B., Mishra, L. C., Aquilina, N., & Kohlbeck, F. (2001). Usefulness of guggul (Commiphora mukul) for osteoarthritis of the knee: An experimental case study. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 7(2), 120-112. 


Boerhaavia diffusa or Punarnav is a traditional herb used for healthy digestion and balancing of the digestive system and also acts as a mild diuretic.  


  • Pari, L., and M. Amarnath Satheesh. “Antidiabetic activity of Boerhaavia diffusa L.: effect on hepatic key enzymes in experimental diabetes.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 91.1 (2004): 109-113.
  • Satheesh, M. Amarnath, and L. Pari. “Antioxidant effect of Boerhavia diffusa L. in tissues of alloxan induced diabetic rats.” Indian J Exp Biol 42.10 (2004): 989-92.
  • Singh, Prem Kumar, Darshee Baxi, and Ankita Doshi. “Antihyperglycaemic And Renoprotective Effect of Boerhaavia diffusa L. in Experimental Diabetic Rats.” Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 8.1 (2011).
  •  Sreeja, Sreekumar, and Sreeharshan Sreeja. “An in vitro study on antiproliferative and antiestrogenic effects of Boerhaavia diffusa L. extracts.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 126.2 (2009): 221-225.
  • Singh, S. K. P., B. L. Pandey, and R. G. Singh. “Recent approach in clinical and experimental evaluation of diuretic action of Punarnava.” (1992).
  • Mudgal V. “Studies on medicinal properties of Convolvulus pluricaulis and Boerhaavia diffusa.” Planta Med. (1975)
  • Nalamolu, Rao K., Krishna M. Boini, and Srinivas Nammi. “Effect of chronic administration of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. leaf extract on experimental diabetes in rats.” Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3.1 (2007): 305-309.
  • Pareta, Surendra K., et al. “Aqueous extract of Boerhaavia diffusa root ameliorates ethylene glycol-induced hyperoxaluric oxidative stress and renal injury in rat kidney.” Pharmaceutical biology 49.12 (2011): 1224-1233.
  • Yasir, Fauzia, and Muhammad A. Waqar. “Effect of indigenous plant extracts on calcium oxalate crystallization having a role in urolithiasis.” Urological research 39.5 (2011): 345-350.
  • Gholap, S., and A. Kar. “Hypoglycaemic effects of some plant extracts are possibly mediated through inhibition in corticosteroid concentration.” Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 59.11 (2004): 876-878.
  • Rawat, A. K. S., et al. “Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhaavia diffusa L. roots—a popular Indian ethnomedicine.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 56.1 (1997): 61-66.


Tribulus terrestris is a traditional herb used as a mild diuretic.


  • Viktorov IV, Kaloyanov AL, Lilov L, et al. Clinical investigation on Tribestan in males with disorders in the sexual function. Med-Biol Inf. 1982.
  • Milanov, S. et al., Tribestan effect on the concentration of some hormones in serum of healthy subjects, 1983.
  • Jayaram S, et al. Tribulus. Indian Drugs 1993;30(10):498-500.  Quoted in Natural Plants Effective in Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction: A Review, NK Saini, M Singhai B Srivastava and S Sharma. 
  • 406 cases of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease treated with saponin of Tribulus terrestris] Wang B; Ma L; Liu T Research Unit of Cardiovascular Disease, Jilin Medical College. Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Feb 1990, 10 (2) p87-7, 68.


ic or Cucuma longa, a natural traditional culinary spice, can help to reduce edema and inflammation associated with overweight conditions.   Turmeric is naturally anti-inflammatory.

In a study, it has been shown to modulate the metabolic activities in the white adipose (fat) tissues that prevent angiogenesis. This in turn results in decreased fat accumulation.

Curcumin has also been found to decrease the size of adipose tissues, i.e. lower fat accumulation in overweight patients. The body measurements of these patients showed significant reduction of fat.

Moreover, it has been observed that turmeric along with sulphur can prevent fat deposition and improve the lipid profile of blood and liver in over-weight individuals.

Turmeric blocks fat cells from forming and expanding:   

In a study at Tufts University called “Curcumin (main ingredient in Turmeric) Inhibits Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and Angiogenesis and Obesity in C57/BL Mice” in 2009

They found the following:

“We investigated the effect of curcumin, the major polyphenol in turmeric spice, on angiogenesis, adipogenesis, differentiation, apoptosis, and gene expression involved in lipid and energy metabolism in 3T3-L1 adipocyte in cell culture systems and on body weight gain and adiposity in mice fed a high-fat diet (22%) supplemented with 500 mg curcumin/kg diet for 12 wk.”   Findings: “The curcumin suppression of angiogenesis in adipose tissue together with its effect on lipid metabolism in adipocytes may contribute to lower body fat and body weight gain. Our findings suggest that dietary curcumin, present in turmeric, may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity.”


  • Bisset NG. Max Wichtl’s herbal drugs & phytochemicals. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 1994. 
  • Bruneton J. Pharmacology, phytochemistry, medicinal plants. Paris: Lavoisier 1995. 
  • Osawa T, Sugiyama Y, Inayoshi M, Kawakishi S. Antioxidative activity of tetrahydrocurcuminoids. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1995; 59(9): 1609-1612. 
  • Sreejayan N, Rao MNA, Priyadarsini KI, Devasagayam TP. Inhibition of radiation induced lipid peroxidation by curcumin. Int J Pharm 1997; (151): 127-130. 
  • Priyadarsini KI. Free radical reactions of curcumin in membrane models. Free Radic Biol Med 1997; 23(6): 838-843. 
  • Sreejayan N, Rao MN. Free radical scavenging activity of curcuminoids. Arzneimittelforschung 1996; 46(2): 169-171.
  • Bharat B. AggarwalAnnu Rev Nutr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 Jul 26.  Targeting Inflammation-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Diseases by Curcumin and Other Nutraceuticals, 2010 Aug 21; 30: 173–199.


Ships Worldwide

Doctor Formulated

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Weightless Formula supports:

  • Natural, stimulant-free weight loss
  • Cleansing for better nutrient absorption
  • Water weight control
  • Balancing blood sugar to reduce hunger
  • Gut cleaning and balancing for sustained weight loss
  • Reduced inflammation and improved digestion
  • Enhanced metabolism and energy levels
  • Pro Tip: Pair Weightless Formula with Gut Detox for amplified weight management and digestive benefits.


Losing Weight Naturally with NO STIMULANTS!

WEIGHTLESS™ weight management formula uses a non-stimulating approach to weight loss by promoting deep cleansing, water weight control, and balanced blood sugar to reduce hunger. Our formula includes powerful natural ingredients such as:

  1. Triphala – A blend of three fruits that supports deep digestive cleansing and nutrient absorption, making it easier to feel full with less food.
  2. Mormodica Chirantia (Bitter Melon) – Aids in balancing blood sugar, helping to curb overeating and reduce fat storage.
  3. Shilajit – Known as the “Destroyer of Weakness,” Shilajit boosts energy, balances blood sugar, and promotes overall vitality.
  4. Amylase – An essential digestive enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, supporting healthy digestion and weight management.
  5. Berberis Aristata – Naturally rich in berberine, which helps control blood sugar and supports fat loss.
  6. Cardamom – Reduces water retention, supports digestion, and lowers blood pressure.
  7. Protease – Breaks down proteins, preventing weight gain from poor digestion and reducing toxic waste buildup.
  8. Guggul – Helps activate thyroid function and metabolism, supporting weight loss.
  9. Boerhaavia Diffusa – A mild diuretic that supports healthy digestion and water weight control.
  10. Tribulus Terrestris – A traditional herb used as a mild diuretic.
  11. Turmeric – Naturally reduces inflammation and supports fat loss through metabolic regulation.


For general maintenance, adults should take 3 capsules daily with purified water before, during, or after meals.

For accelerated weight loss:

  • Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of purified water daily.
  • Chew your food well to improve digestion.
  • Move your body daily through exercise.
  • Get quality sleep to enhance overall health and weight loss.


  • Triphala – A powerful digestive cleanser that supports nutrient absorption and weight management.
  • Mormodica Chirantia – Balances blood sugar levels to curb hunger.
  • Shilajit – Enhances energy and reduces fatigue.
  • Amylase – Breaks down carbohydrates for better digestion.
  • Berberis Aristata – Helps regulate blood sugar and reduces fat storage.
  • Cardamom – Reduces water retention and improves digestion.
  • Protease – Breaks down proteins to aid digestion and prevent weight gain.
  • Guggul – Activates thyroid function and supports metabolism.
  • Boerhaavia Diffusa – Promotes healthy digestion and acts as a diuretic.
  • Tribulus Terrestris – A mild diuretic that supports water balance.
  • Turmeric – Reduces inflammation and helps regulate fat storage.

The Science



Losing Weight Naturally with NO STIMULANTS

WEIGHTLESS™  weight management Formula Ingredients, as below, based upon a non-stimulating approach to weight loss including cleansing for better nutrient absorption, water weight control and the balancing of blood sugars to reduce hunger:


Triphala or “three fruits” is a combination of the myrobalan family of fruits commonly eaten in Asia.   Triphala is a traditional remedy for deep digestive cleansing and balancing and one of the most important traditional herbal formulas for efficient digestive functioning. 

Triphala helps to deep cleanse on the micro-level including the villi hairs of the intestines.  Clean intestines are necessary for proper nutrient assimilation and consequent good healthy weight management.  Also, a clean digestive system allows for better digestion of foods and absorption of foods and, therefore, healthier satisfaction with less bulky or nutrient deficient meal portions.


  • Scientific validation of the ethnomedicinal properties of the Ayurvedic drug Triphala: A review.  Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine  December 2012, Volume 18, Issue 12, pp 946–954.
  • Pratya PhetkateTanawan KummalueYaowalak U-pratya, and Somboon Kietinun.  Significant Increase in Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Natural Killer Cells by Triphala: A Clinical Phase I Study.  Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Pathumthani 12121, Thailand.


Mormodica chirantia or Bitter Melon is a traditional food used in the balancing of blood sugar and has been used historically for pre-diabetic conditions or advanced blood sugar imbalance conditions.   

Studies have shown that Bitter Melon may help reduce fat and by balancing blood sugar levels, stabilizing insulin and helping to prevent over-eating.  Bitter melon contains enzymes that break down fat into free fatty acids.  


  • Pratibha V NerurkarEmail author, Yun-Kung Lee and Vivek R Nerurkar.  J Lipids  Momordica charantia (bitter melon) inhibits primary human adipocyte differentiation by modulating adipogenic genes.  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The official journal of the International Society for Complementary Medicine Research (ISCMR)2010  
  • Baby Joseph and D JiniAsian Pac J Trop Dis. Antidiabetic effects of Momordica charantia (bitter melon) and its medicinal potency.  2013 Apr; 3(2): 93–102.


Shilajit is known historically as the “Destroyer of Weakness” the herbal ingredient, Shilajit, contains over sixty trace minerals and is used for anti-fatigue purposes in traditional medicine.  Shilajit has naturally occurring Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid to help support general strength and vital health.

Shilajit is often used traditionally for blood sugar balancing which may help to prevent hunger issues.     

In traditional medicine Shilajit is considered a panacea herbal remedy since it has so many positive benefits for supporting good health, strengthening and general vitality.



Amylase is an important digestive enzyme that helps to breakdown carbohydrates in the digestive system.  Good digestion is a fundamental key to healthy weight management.  


Berberis aristata herb contains naturally occurring berberine which has been linked to the control of blood sugar balancing and anti-diabetic actions

In two studies to measure weight it was noted that obese people (one with metabolic syndrome, the other being ‘otherwise healthy’) who consumed berberine had weight loss of roughly 6-13% over just 3 months. Diet was not recorded during this time, but berberine seems to have anti-obese effects.




Cardamom is a traditional spice used historically for good digestion, water retention conditions and, thereby, lowering of blood pressure.  Good digestion and elimination of excess water retention is important for heathy weight management.


  • Yuang YB, Fang JY, Hung CH, et al. Cyclic monoterpene extract from cardamom oil as a skin permeation enhancer for indomethacin: Jafri MA, Farah, Javed K, et al. Evaluation of the gastric antiulcerogenic effect of large cardamom (fruits of Biol Pharm Bull. 1999 Jun;22(6):642-6.
  • Jamal A, Javed K, Aslam M, et al. Gastroprotective effect of cardamom, Indian J Exp Biol. 1999 Mar;37(3):238-42.
  • Kumar S. Panmasala chewing induces deterioration in oral health and its implications in carcinogenesis. Toxicol Mech Methods 2008;18(9):665-677. 
  • Martins AP, Salgueiro L, Goncalves MJ, et al. Essential oil composition and antimicrobial activity of three Zingiberaceae from S.Tome e Principe. Planta Med 2001;67(6):580-584.
  • Sapra B, Gupta S, Tiwary AK. Role of volatile oil pretreatment and skin cholesterol on permeation of ion-paired diclofenac sodium. Indian J Exp Biol 2000;38(9):895-900. 


Protease is a natural enzyme as found in the digestive system that is used by the body to break down protein containing foods.   Lack of protease enzymes can lead to poor digestion, weight gain and accumulation of excessive waste for elimination as a body burden.



Guggul OR Commiphora mukul is a traditional herbal remedy for the maintenance of healthy weight management, activation of thyroid functions and a balance of metabolism.   


  1. Anurekha, J., & Gupta, V. B. (2006). Chemistry and pharmacological profile of guggul: A review. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 5(4), 478-483.
  2. Singh, B. B., Mishra, L. C., Aquilina, N., & Kohlbeck, F. (2001). Usefulness of guggul (Commiphora mukul) for osteoarthritis of the knee: An experimental case study. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 7(2), 120-112. 


Boerhaavia diffusa or Punarnav is a traditional herb used for healthy digestion and balancing of the digestive system and also acts as a mild diuretic.  


  • Pari, L., and M. Amarnath Satheesh. “Antidiabetic activity of Boerhaavia diffusa L.: effect on hepatic key enzymes in experimental diabetes.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 91.1 (2004): 109-113.
  • Satheesh, M. Amarnath, and L. Pari. “Antioxidant effect of Boerhavia diffusa L. in tissues of alloxan induced diabetic rats.” Indian J Exp Biol 42.10 (2004): 989-92.
  • Singh, Prem Kumar, Darshee Baxi, and Ankita Doshi. “Antihyperglycaemic And Renoprotective Effect of Boerhaavia diffusa L. in Experimental Diabetic Rats.” Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 8.1 (2011).
  •  Sreeja, Sreekumar, and Sreeharshan Sreeja. “An in vitro study on antiproliferative and antiestrogenic effects of Boerhaavia diffusa L. extracts.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 126.2 (2009): 221-225.
  • Singh, S. K. P., B. L. Pandey, and R. G. Singh. “Recent approach in clinical and experimental evaluation of diuretic action of Punarnava.” (1992).
  • Mudgal V. “Studies on medicinal properties of Convolvulus pluricaulis and Boerhaavia diffusa.” Planta Med. (1975)
  • Nalamolu, Rao K., Krishna M. Boini, and Srinivas Nammi. “Effect of chronic administration of Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. leaf extract on experimental diabetes in rats.” Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3.1 (2007): 305-309.
  • Pareta, Surendra K., et al. “Aqueous extract of Boerhaavia diffusa root ameliorates ethylene glycol-induced hyperoxaluric oxidative stress and renal injury in rat kidney.” Pharmaceutical biology 49.12 (2011): 1224-1233.
  • Yasir, Fauzia, and Muhammad A. Waqar. “Effect of indigenous plant extracts on calcium oxalate crystallization having a role in urolithiasis.” Urological research 39.5 (2011): 345-350.
  • Gholap, S., and A. Kar. “Hypoglycaemic effects of some plant extracts are possibly mediated through inhibition in corticosteroid concentration.” Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 59.11 (2004): 876-878.
  • Rawat, A. K. S., et al. “Hepatoprotective activity of Boerhaavia diffusa L. roots—a popular Indian ethnomedicine.” Journal of ethnopharmacology 56.1 (1997): 61-66.


Tribulus terrestris is a traditional herb used as a mild diuretic.


  • Viktorov IV, Kaloyanov AL, Lilov L, et al. Clinical investigation on Tribestan in males with disorders in the sexual function. Med-Biol Inf. 1982.
  • Milanov, S. et al., Tribestan effect on the concentration of some hormones in serum of healthy subjects, 1983.
  • Jayaram S, et al. Tribulus. Indian Drugs 1993;30(10):498-500.  Quoted in Natural Plants Effective in Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction: A Review, NK Saini, M Singhai B Srivastava and S Sharma. 
  • 406 cases of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease treated with saponin of Tribulus terrestris] Wang B; Ma L; Liu T Research Unit of Cardiovascular Disease, Jilin Medical College. Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Feb 1990, 10 (2) p87-7, 68.


ic or Cucuma longa, a natural traditional culinary spice, can help to reduce edema and inflammation associated with overweight conditions.   Turmeric is naturally anti-inflammatory.

In a study, it has been shown to modulate the metabolic activities in the white adipose (fat) tissues that prevent angiogenesis. This in turn results in decreased fat accumulation.

Curcumin has also been found to decrease the size of adipose tissues, i.e. lower fat accumulation in overweight patients. The body measurements of these patients showed significant reduction of fat.

Moreover, it has been observed that turmeric along with sulphur can prevent fat deposition and improve the lipid profile of blood and liver in over-weight individuals.

Turmeric blocks fat cells from forming and expanding:   

In a study at Tufts University called “Curcumin (main ingredient in Turmeric) Inhibits Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and Angiogenesis and Obesity in C57/BL Mice” in 2009

They found the following:

“We investigated the effect of curcumin, the major polyphenol in turmeric spice, on angiogenesis, adipogenesis, differentiation, apoptosis, and gene expression involved in lipid and energy metabolism in 3T3-L1 adipocyte in cell culture systems and on body weight gain and adiposity in mice fed a high-fat diet (22%) supplemented with 500 mg curcumin/kg diet for 12 wk.”   Findings: “The curcumin suppression of angiogenesis in adipose tissue together with its effect on lipid metabolism in adipocytes may contribute to lower body fat and body weight gain. Our findings suggest that dietary curcumin, present in turmeric, may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity.”


  • Bisset NG. Max Wichtl’s herbal drugs & phytochemicals. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 1994. 
  • Bruneton J. Pharmacology, phytochemistry, medicinal plants. Paris: Lavoisier 1995. 
  • Osawa T, Sugiyama Y, Inayoshi M, Kawakishi S. Antioxidative activity of tetrahydrocurcuminoids. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1995; 59(9): 1609-1612. 
  • Sreejayan N, Rao MNA, Priyadarsini KI, Devasagayam TP. Inhibition of radiation induced lipid peroxidation by curcumin. Int J Pharm 1997; (151): 127-130. 
  • Priyadarsini KI. Free radical reactions of curcumin in membrane models. Free Radic Biol Med 1997; 23(6): 838-843. 
  • Sreejayan N, Rao MN. Free radical scavenging activity of curcuminoids. Arzneimittelforschung 1996; 46(2): 169-171.
  • Bharat B. AggarwalAnnu Rev Nutr. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 Jul 26.  Targeting Inflammation-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Diseases by Curcumin and Other Nutraceuticals, 2010 Aug 21; 30: 173–199.

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What others are saying...


Should I take Weightless in the morning or after meals?

For best results, take 3 capsules of Weightless in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are using Gut Detox, start with 3 capsules of Gut Detox morning and night for 15 days, then switch to Weightless.

Can I combine Weightless with other supplements?

Yes! For enhanced weight loss, pair Weightless with our Green 85 Juice Formula to reduce hunger and boost nutrition. You can also combine it with Toxin Detox to help remove heavy metals and toxins from fat.

How does Weightless help with weight loss?

Weightless promotes natural weight loss by balancing blood sugar, improving digestion, controlling water weight, and reducing inflammation. By supporting nutrient absorption and gut health, it helps you feel satisfied with less food.

Can I take Weightless if I’m already using Gut Detox?

Weightless and Gut Detox have overlapping benefits. We recommend using Gut Detox for 15 days, then transitioning to Weightless to continue supporting weight loss and gut health.

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