Karen Bonacorso, RN

Karen Bonacorso, RN

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Karen Bonacorso's Personal Favorite Chemical Free Body Products

My Favorite

Coaching Expertise & Topics For Podcasts, Radio and TV Interviews

  • Insights into Disordered Eating. Where does it Stem From?
  • Practical Everyday Tools to Overcoming Eating Disorders
  • How to Nurture and Heal your Relationship with Food
  • That there is no Perfect Diet. We will talk about what is Food vs. what is not Food to help simplify your life around such a diverse topic. 
  • The Chemical Free Body Mindset and how to find Balance in a World where you’re always exposed to Toxic Chemicals.


Karen Bonacorso RN, BSN, earned her Bachelors of Nursing degree from Salem State University located north of Boston. She worked in the hospital setting until she found her love serving patients within the community where her career flourished as a visiting nurse. Karen is a busy mom of 4 and married for 25 years. At the age of 48, Karen was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer with metastases to the uterus and liver during a colonoscopy in 2018. Prior to her diagnosis she lived a very stressful life as a nurse and ate the standard american diet, excessive sugar and processed foods. The day that Karen got the diagnosis of stage 4 cancer she went to sleep “freaking out”, that is when she had her life changing moment. That night she felt her faith in God and asked him to give her the strength to help defeat this cancer. The next day she woke up and got her hands on every cancer fighting book that she could find. Karen started juicing, eating a plant based diet, eliminating sugar and caffeine and detoxified all aspects of her life, including people. Through the year of treatments for colon cancer, Karen continued to find ways to eliminate some of the horrible side effects from the treatments using diet, baths, yoga, meditation, and countless others. The energy she would would have and her zest of life that she exuded left the oncologists scratching their heads. No matter how many times the doctors told her and her husband that diet has nothing to do with her healing journey, only made her double down with what she was doing. The day after surgery, Karen was told that there was absolutely now evidence of a tumor and that there was no cancer found in her uterus and liver.

Karens journey did not end there. She found her passion in Gut health and decided to continue her education at the Functional Nutrition Alliance. Karen continued listening to every health podcast that she could find that aligned with her ideology and came across The Health Hero Show with Tim James founder of Chemical Free Body where she is now part of his coaching team.

Karen continues to spread her message and her passion in helping others reversing chronic conditions without the use of harmful medications and treatments. Karen spends her time coaching individuals on how to heal their gut naturally, with organic foods, yoga, meditation, and most importantly, learning how to love ourselves.  

Book Karen Bonacorso on your Podcast, Radio or TV Show

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Book a FREE 30 min Health Strategy Session ($125 Value) with Karen Bonacorso

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Karen Bonacorso's Personal Favorite Chemical Free Body Products

My Favorite