Pat Miletich

Pat Miletich

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Coaching Expertise & Topics For Podcasts, Radio and TV Interviews

  • Practical Everyday Tools to Overcoming Eating Disorders
  • How to Nurture and Heal your Relationship with Food
  • That there is no Perfect Diet. We will talk about what is Food vs. what is not Food to help simplify your life around such a diverse topic. 
  • The Chemical Free Body Mindset and how to find Balance in a World where you’re always exposed to Toxic Chemicals


Pat Miletich started his health journey after a childhood plagued with severe respiratory and other health issues due to black mold exposure in his mothers basement, where Pat's bedroom was. He was an accomplished athlete in high school, won all-state honors in wrestling and football, but could not find the elite performance he desired simply because he could not breathe efficiently.

After leaving college early to care for his ailing mother, Miletich took up martial arts training with the goal of becoming a champion. As he improved his skills, he decided to turn pro in the sport of kickboxing, but was still suffering from respiratory issues and decided to do some research. After months of research and experimenting with organic substances containing antioxidant qualities, Miletich's breathing vastly improved and he was suddenly able to breathe without effort.

This self healing resulted in Miletich being able to win a national kickboxing title, win the UFC welterweight title and hold that title for nearly 3 years. He then went on to coach 95 athletes into televised careers, train 12 world champions, train law enforcement and military units for 25 years as well as have a successful broadcasting career with Showtime Sports, ESPN and Marc Cubans AXSTV. None of this would have ever been possible without the self healing education and journey Pat Miletich took.

During his years of competing as an athlete, coaching and broadcasting, Miletich continued to do research on supplementation, which led him to questioning America's food quality and eventually the realization that America's soil was in dire straights. This is where the entire mission of Miletich's life changed direction. A life spent learning how to damage other human beings as well as creating super humans that were capable of the same, Miletich made the conscious decision to help educate others as to what he had found to be the main drivers of human illness and disease in America.

The understanding that petroleum based fertilizers along with synthetic herbicides and pesticides, was literally decimating and killing the living, microbial rich soil in America as well as causing massive upticks in America's physical, hormonal and mental illness that has now resulted in a national security crisis. This issue is something every American needs to be educated about. The realization that Americans were suffering without real answers coming from the "experts" gave Miletich the added fire to focus on discussions and speeches that focused on soil, food and human health.

The years of conversations with agronomists, farmers, doctors, research scientists, chemists, nutritional experts, etc, has given Miletich a unique view of the problems we face in the education of Americans in all these fields as most degrees and doctorates in these areas of study do not require organic chemistry to earn a degree. This has caused a large gap in the understanding just how important plant based, carbon bonded nutrients are to soil, plant, animal and human life. Without these we are living in a synthetic environment that is becoming more ill every year.

When a plant becomes ill we always blame the environment. The plants are lacking water, nutrients or sunlight or toxins have gotten into the plants via air, water, etc. The main question then has to be, why would humans think they are any different? After 35 years of research, Miletich concludes the only common sense answer is that the huge uptick in the many forms of illness must be from the increase in synthetic chemicals and heavy metals in our environment.

With the understanding that most health issues come from cellular and mitochondrial disfunction due to impurities trapped in cells as well as an imbalance in gut biom, we can then start to solve the issues most times by improving diet, drinking more quality water as well as using plant based, concentrated nutrient supplements to give our cells and mitochondria what they need to function correctly.

After 3 decades of building super humans using proper diet, supplementation, specific physical training and mindset work, Pat Miletich's insight should prove useful in your personal health journey, whether your goal is to win a world title or to be able to enjoy a better quality of health and life with those you love. After all, who might you inspire to heal after family and friends watch your chemical free body, health transformation?   

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