Health Heroes! 

I don’t know about you but I love the New Year Energy! 

I think it’s a really good time to do some reassessing. 

Journal about what has changed for you in this past year and what are some things that you’ve been wanting to change but haven’t quite made a priority. 

Write a game plan! 

What are you going to do differently this year to yield different results than this last year? 

I think these are all great things to reflect on. 

Have you ever considered creating a visual for yourself?

I have these boards that I created 2 years ago (That Tim James and I did together) and what I love about these boards isn’t that they just give me a slight everyday reminder of the things that…

 I want to Release from my life. 

The things that I am currently doing that I would like to Reaffirm. 

And the things that I would like to bring into my life and Reinvent. 

Sadly, they don’t perform miracles. Haha 

You still have to do the work. 

But they are helpful tools to keep focused on a day to day basis. 

It seems that this New Year Energy for some people only lasts a few weeks then they go right back to living their old life. So this is a good way to hold onto some of that energy. 

Getting clear is key. Helpful tools to help yourself remain clear is helpful. So help yourself this year and do something different! 

I promise you won’t regret it. 

~Coach Rebecca Wolf

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