Health Heroes! 🦸‍♀️

Have you taken full responsibility for yourself?

“Responsibility is the ability to respond. Most of the time we are merely reacting to stimuli, allowing our various buttons to be pushed. Reaction is a reflex, while responsibility is a full aware choice to counter one action with another.

When we are aware, we are in a position to choose rather than to simply react.

Responsibility is not a burden that we must shoulder; it is a conscious decision to take our fate into our own hands and not be a part of an ongoing series of collisions and “accidents” it is accepting our part in the world and understanding that we are the cause of the effects we experience.“

My life completely changed the day I decided to start taking responsibility for myself and realize that I am a co creator in my experiences.

I stopped being angry and blaming my parents for being the way they were and started being grateful that I was gifted the contrast to learn and grow form all the experiences.

I stopped settling for half assed relationships with people that couldn’t meet me where I am and sought out people who could.

Basically, I stopped trying to fit square pegs into round holes.

I started flowing with life instead of against it.

With taking responsibility came empowerment.

When I started taking responsibility I realized that I have the power to choose and make healthy choices that served my greater good and those around me.

“To take responsibility means embracing everything as it is, without taking a position, having opinions, or holding judgement. It is to understand that where there is love, no one stands accused. To be responsible means to forgive yourself unconditionally and love yourself with your whole heart. When you are responsible, you can state unequivocally “I am responsible for who I am and where I am, how I feel, where I came from, where I am headed, the basis for my existence, and how well I employ my attention or my energy.”

It starts now.

With one choice.

Are you ready to take full responsibility for yourself?

I promise you wont regret it.

~Coach Rebecca Wolf

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