Health Heroes! ‍♀️ 


We’re just over here living this Super Duper Awesome Raw Living Foods Life! And we are soooo grateful to have made this shift recently. ✨


Half way into our first month and we are looking at each other asking how we didn’t make this change sooner! 


I feel so liberated about my relationship with food!

Knowing that I am nourishing my body with food that has life in it literally gives me life! 

Not to mention all these BOMB recipes i’ve been making over here!


*Recipe Alert*

I just made the yummiest Raw Pad Thai! Inspired (Improved Version) by Fully Raw Kristina. 


You’ll need: 

1 Bag of Kelp Noodles 

1 Medium Carrot

1 Green Onion 

¼ of a Purple Cabbage 

1/2 Red Bell Pepper


For the Sauce: 

½ Cup Sprouted Almond Butter 

¼ Cup Sprouted Tahini Butter 

½ Cup Lemon Juice

1 Tbsp Braggs Liquid Aminos 

1 Thumb of Ginger (Chopped Up)  



〰️Soak the Noodles in warm water for 10 min, Drain, and Rinse once more.

〰️Use a Potato Peeler to peel the carrot into long wide pieces. 

〰️Chop up your green onion, red bell pepper & cabbage.

〰️For the sauce, put everything into a high speed blender and blend until smooth, you might have to use a little water to do this. 


Combine everything into a bowl and Voila! ✨


You have the yummiest Raw Vegan Pad Thai you’ve ever had!  

I even added a little bit of Turmeric/Jalapeno Sauerkraut on top for some extra probiotics and better digestion! 


Don’t forget to breathe and Take your Digestive Enzymes! 


~Coach Wolf

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