Sprouted Granola For The Win!

Sprouted Granola For The Win!

Health Heroes! 

There is something extra satisfying about making things yourself. 

Whenever I try something new like making my own yogurt, plant based milk, dressings, ect. I always have a moment where I think “I'm never buying this store-bought again!” 


Plus it just feels good when you do something yourself. You get to control the quality of ingredients and know exactly what and how much of something is going into your food. 


Last night I made Sprouted Granola and now I’m never going to buy store bought granola again! 



1 Cup Sprouted Macadamia Nuts 

½ Cup Sprouted Almonds

½ Cup Sprouted Sunflower Seeds 

½ Cup Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds 

¼ Cup Sprouted Buckwheat 

¾ Tsp Sea Salt 

1 Tsp Cinnamon 


½ Cup Olive or Avocado Oil 

½ Cup Sprouted Cashew Butter 

½ Cup Maple Syrup 

1 Tsp Alcohol Free Vanilla Flavoring 



Preheat your oven to 320 degrees 

Spread onto two half sheet baking sheets 

Bake 30 Minutes 

Wait until it is completely cooked down before putting it into jars.


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! 

~Rebecca Wolf

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