Health Heroes!🦸‍♀️

If you know me, you know that I am big on recognizing that our health journey is also a journey of becoming more conscious. 

Becoming “clean” is more than a physical thing. 

It’s an emotional and spiritual experience as well. 

When we let go of the food that no longer serves us, we also let go of the thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with that food. 

After all, we are emotional human beings. 

We let go of years of unconscious conditioning and we welcome a new way of being into our lives. 

True Health isn’t eating all the “right foods” 

True Health is about the relationship that you have with food. With your mom. With your loved ones. With the person living next door. With the people you have yet to meet and with life itself. 

True Health isn’t measured by pounds or inches, it is measured by how open you are to everything that comes your way. 

One of my favorite encouragers says…. “Are you listening to confirm something you already know? Or are you listening to learn something new?” ~Anthony DeMello 

What I love about this quote is that it points to whether someone is closed, fixed on a belief or if they are open, open to learning something different. 

We all know what it’s like to be around people who think that their way is the way…. Don’t be that person. 😆

Did you know that Health is actually measured in a triangle? 

That Triangle includes Physical, Social, and Mental Health. 

When I felt the shift from non health into health I was surprised that it was not what I expected true health to look like… In my younger years, I thought being healthy was eating super clean and having a really nice body. And while those things can be a bi product of health, it is not where true health begins or ends. 

I am so passionate about Health because it is so multi-fascinated. It is uniquely different and at the same time oddly the same with all of us. We all just have different stories attached to our experience. 

Are you interested in connecting more deeply in a One on One setting? 

Schedule a FREE call with me and let’s do a health strategy session! 

Just go to this link: Book a time and open yourself up to learn something new! 

~Coach Rebecca Wolf

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